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Ly Cong Ban - Ha Giang Expert

Lý Công Bản, an adept traveler and authority on Hà Giang, offers priceless knowledge about this breathtaking northern region of Vietnam

Information and Details

Deep in the fall of celebrities' information in the world of travel, detailing their the impact on their status and influence.

His real name is Lý Công Bản, a visionary born on May 15, 1990, in Đồng Văn, Hà Giang.

Bản embarked on a journey to showcase the hidden gems of Hà Giang through his lens, amassing a community on social media: YouTube with 320K subs, personal Facebook with 25K followers, a fan page of 60K likes, and Instagram with 180K followers.

He's celebrated for his contributions to promoting Hà Giang, including partnerships with local tourism boards and a prestigious nomination for Best Travel Content Creator at the Southeast Asia Social Media Awards in 2019.

What is Lý Công Bản's career?

Charting a path as a Travel Vlogger, Bản has marked his territory in the digital world with notable collaborations, including promotional ventures with Google and being spotlighted in the top 5 at the Southeast Asia Social Media Awards for travel content in 2019. His unique ability to narrate stories through his videos has garnered a massive following, establishing him as a source of inspiration and information for travel enthusiasts.

What is Lý Công Bản's style?

Dedicated and relentlessly creative, Bản crafts each video with the aim to not just showcase Hà Giang's beauty but to narrate its story. He's driven by a passion to explore and share, making each of his travel logs a piece of art that captures the essence of each destination, its culture, and its people, thereby fostering a deeper appreciation for the lesser-known locales of Vietnam.

What sets Hà Giang apart from other places in Vietnam?

Hà Giang, with its rugged terrain and breathtaking landscapes, stands as a testament to Vietnam's natural beauty. It's the cultural diversity and the authenticity of its people that truly sets it apart. Hà Giang is a mosaic of ethnic cultures, offering an untouched and raw beauty that's increasingly rare in the modern world.

My take on Hà Giang's food?

The culinary landscape of Hà Giang is as diverse as its culture. From the aromatic and spicy Thắng Cố to the warm, comforting bowls of Bánh Cuốn, the flavors of Hà Giang are bold and unforgettable. The food here tells the story of the land and its people, a true feast for the adventurous soul.

The quintessential Hà Giang dish, according to me?

Thắng Cố stands out as the emblem of Hà Giang's culinary heritage. This hearty stew, rich with history and flavor, not only satisfies the palate but also warms the heart, embodying the communal spirit of Hà Giang's people. It's more than a dish; it's an experience.

"Hà Giang is an adventure, a canvas of natural beauty painted with the vibrant colors of its diverse cultures and stories."

Some cafes in Hà Giang I'd recommend?

Amidst Hà Giang's serene beauty, the cafes here offer a unique blend of tranquility and local flavor. Café Phố Cổ in the heart of the old town provides not just a cup of coffee but a glimpse into the soul of Hà Giang, with its traditional architecture and the stories of its patrons.

Where would you find me on a Sunday?

Sundays are for exploring the uncharted paths of Hà Giang, whether it's riding through the winding roads of Ma Pi Leng Pass or finding solace beside the clear waters of Nho Que River. It's a day to connect with nature and reflect on the beauty that surrounds us.

A must-have experience in Hà Giang?

Traversing the Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark offers an unparalleled experience. The landscape, shaped over millions of years, presents a stunning backdrop for adventurers and geologists alike, making it a must-visit for anyone coming to Hà Giang.

How can travelers experience local life in Hà Giang?

Engaging with the local communities through homestays and cultural exchanges is the essence of truly experiencing Hà Giang. It's about more than just seeing; it's about living, learning, and being a part of the daily lives of the people who make Hà Giang the incredible place it is.

A perfect night out in Hà Giang, for me?

A night spent under the stars, sharing stories and laughter around a campfire with both friends and strangers, captures the spirit of Hà Giang. It's these moments of connection that make every visit memorable.

My thoughts on Hà Giang's growth?

The delicate balance between development and preservation is key to Hà Giang's future. As it becomes a more popular destination, the challenge lies in maintaining its natural beauty and cultural integrity, ensuring it remains a sanctuary for those seeking authenticity.

Any last words to describe Hà Giang?

Hà Giang is a narrative of resilience, beauty, and diversity. Each valley, mountain, and river tells a story, inviting travelers to listen, learn, and be transformed by the journey. It's a land where every visit enriches the soul.

Continue your journey through #ExploreHàGiàng with insightful local interviews, breathtaking videos, and practical travel tips here.



9, Vũ Phạm Hàm, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội, Việt Nam